Tuesday, December 16, 2008


As a few of you know, Ive had a love obsession with motorcycles for several years now. I finally bought my first bike in October, Thinking that FINALLY! Finally my dream has been Realized.

But. At this point it looks like God has had a different Plan. I'm Having trouble getting my liscence- the timing isnt working out. I had my ride test cancelled this last sunday; then rescheduled for after I get back to school. So, I'll have the Plates for the bike but no liscence. So my Only Real option is to sell the bike.

You Can Be Praying For The Brown Family:

  • I'm going into the doctors office tomorrow to get a Endoscopy- Basically A camera they stick down into your stomach. They're Checking to See if I have an Ulcer or other stomach condition.
  • On the 2nd of January My Dad goes in for a fairly serious back surgery. There has been a broken peice of his backbone resting on a nerve Since october.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope everything works out well with you and dad, and that whatever happens with your bike you will know it was right.

Have a great break and a VERY Merry Christmas.