Sunday, April 5, 2009

Re: Idolatry in Relationships

I think a huge reason why we have so many non-serious and shallow relationships in the world today are because of people being discontent. First and foremost it’s obvious that they are discontent with being single, but also being discontent with God. Although on the surface we wouldn’t necessarily call them needy, I think a large part of their relationship failure is due to them coming into their relationships with the need to be loved or the need to be needed. It is being in love with love not necessarily the person. Basically, loving the fuzzy feelings and not the individual. I’m pretty sure that fuzzy feelings don’t last for 50 years.

[ A bunny trail and Digging a hole:: I think denial helps with this error of thinking. Any man who has spent ANY time with a woman, will know they can be irrational. HA! Settle down I said ‘CAN BE’. But seriously. It’s not always going to be smooth sailing… Maybe people just need to face facts and see that?]

I think if people are truly needy and they enter relationships because of it; they set their relationships up as being adulterous to God from the start. If people are looking for others to worship them in a relationship they are making idols of themselves. Kind of sounds like a freaky cult to me… but apparently it happens all the time. Even if someone truly believes in their heart that they will give 100% into the relationship- if they are expecting to get anything in return then doesn’t that defeat the point and perhaps even make it idolatry? I think a lot of divorces are caused by people wanting to be worshiped and then having their expectations not lived up to.

- - Random:: On top of all this, I find it Ironic that many of the people that I have heard express that they really want to have a girlfriend, don’t serve others now. I really don’t think you would start being a servant the second you get married.

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