Monday, June 15, 2009

Ode to Cedarville.

August 13th, 2008 I left my parents at the airport in Seattle to embark upon a five hour journey to college. The adventure certainly didn’t end when I landed in Columbus. Being homeschooled for most of high school I had no idea what to expect (other than the very detailed barrage of information my sister and bro-in-law dumped on me. Much needed information like, where to sit in chucks. Never. Ever. Sit in Up Chucks.) I was also told to dance like crazy when I saw Chris Cleveland on stage. SWIM! SWIM! SWIM!

The year had many surprises in store for me. I never realized -25 degree wind chill was so cold! I never knew Christians existed who were honest and upfront with their sin. (Not many, but a few) I never realized there was so much apathy in myself or in the church. I found out following distance means nothing if you don’t see the car ahead of you hit your brakes. Ha. God used many things this year to teach me.

I had hopes but no real Idea that I would be an RA my sophomore year. I had no idea I could actually balance all the homework. I didn’t understand how close you get to people that you see everyday and get to live with. I had no Idea I would ever want to visit Wisconsin.

I didn’t know God would grab me knock me around, give me amazing Christian friends, or make me learn. I had no idea what people meant when they told me I would meet friends for life. It’s only been one year, however I already feel like I’ve already gained family. I would consider Cedarville a more liberal school when lined up with other Christian schools in the nation (such as TMC). Although it isn’t perfect, I wouldn’t trade my experiences there for anything. I’m looking forward to the next 3 years.

I Love You Cedarville.

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