Monday, September 1, 2008

American Apathy

“I believe in the sun

even when it isn't shining.

I believe in love

even when I am alone.

I believe in God

even when he is silent.”

This quote was found written on a cellar wall in Cologne, Germany

By an anonymous Jew.

The Fact that a Jew has faith and trust in Jehovah even in the face of perhaps the Closest experience to hell that has been on earth, is humbling. The fact that 19 hijackers killed themselves on 9/11 for their faith in their ‘god’ is shocking.

Why are Americans so Apathetic about their beliefs?

I had this blog idea hit me a few Weeks ago. Our Country is in an ironic situation. What we have is a Generally Apathetic Nation fighting a war against the type of men that we should be. Our enemies are men that are willing violently and abruptly die for their beliefs. How many people in America claim to be Followers of Christ however if faced with Real Persecution would denounce all claims of religion? How trivial and petty is it that there is always such an uproar from Christians when we are “persecuted”. Oh. They took the Ten Commandments out of the Courthouse…. Christians Screamed that they “Were Being Oppressed”! And yet, we forget about what believers have had to go through in such places as China and Cambodia. I don’t like the idea of Christianity being forced out of public arenas however we have it so Easy. Although we don’t go through real persecution we should be a people ready to do so. To “Take up our crosses Daily” is more than just a Catchy ‘Christian’ Slogan. WHAT Does it mean!? Its not just a casual. Oh. Well Im a Christian so I need to stand up for Christ. It’s the mindset To be ready and Willing to DIE in his name.

So the ironic situation is that We as a nation are apathetic. We as Christians are apathetic. Our Enemies are better men than we are and have more Faith in their god than we do. I couldn’t find any Real Statistics on how often suicide bombings happen. However, it happens often enough in places such as the Gaza Strip that it’s no longer deemed important- or surprising enough to make it into the News. I’m not supporting terrorism in any way, however I’m saying that these men have a Faith in a false god; Enough misguided and fervent faith to cause them to Blow themselves apart for that god. What type of Faith Do we have- those that have a Personal and Real Relationship with the One true God of the Universe? Are we willing to be persecuted or even Tortured in God’s Name?

I wrote this post for you to ask yourself some questions. What Type of Faith do you have? Are you Actually picking up you cross Daily for Christ or has it just become another Christian Slogan for you? Are you willing to die for your Faith. We also need to consider what other christians have went through for their faith before you open your mouth in protest when someone just merely makes fun of you for ours.

James 1:2-4

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.


hellfire said...

i'm preaching a sermon about this in one 28 on nov. 5th. and half our small group is going to be gone. but yeah, it might make it on the web, if you want to listen to it.

Doug Brown said...

I wrote this post during Church the last sunday I was home.