This is a long Post, but I hope its Worth Your time to read it.
: An “Unreasonable conceit of superiority” or an “Overweening opinion of one’s own qualities.”
- Oxford English Dictionary
“Shall I, Lord Jesus, dare speak to you, I who am but dust and ashes? Truly, if I think myself any better than ashes and dust, You stand against me, and my own sins also bear witness against me. That I cannot Deny. But if I despise myself and set myself at naught and think myself but ashes and dust, as I am, than your grace will be close to me and the light of true understanding will enter into my heart, so that all presumption and pride in me will be drowned in the valley of meekness, through perfect knowledge of my wretchedness.”
- Thomas á Kempis, From "Imitation of Christ"
I am reading Steering Through Chaos by Os Guinness for my Spiritual Formation’s class. It is very convicting. If the whole book is like the first chapter- I would Highly suggest finding a copy and reading it. The First chapter is on Pride. I have never really thought of pride as the root or mother of most other sins. Furthermore, I hadn’t realized how much of an issue it was in my own life.
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Here is a condensed version of my thoughts on the first chapter.
The World's View of Pride is Completely different than the bible's. This Worldly thinking has forced its way into the church, poisoning this already sick and dying institution. The World mixes and skews the lines between self-achievement, Self-Respect,and Pride. Think HAPPY thoughts about yourself!
The biblical view is different. Nebuchadnezzar was struck down in his pride- even though he may have earned his position. He Created a majestic Kingdom. Ruler of Mesopotamia. Standing on the Top of his palace Viewing the glory of what HE had created. As You'll remember, God struck him down to the level of a beast for a period of time for his blasphemous thinking. How dare we as Human Beings consider that we can possibly earn anything without God’s direct involvement!? God gave Nebuchadnezzar his title and position, and just as quickly God Took it away. God is Not one to be trifled with. How can we Dare to stand against God, claiming he is our savior and believe in our hearts that we become the people that we are on our own?
It is all too easy for me to notice that others are prideful; however it is ridiculously hard to know when oneself is being Prideful. According to C.S. Lewis, the easiest way to tell if you are prideful is to notice how much it bothers you when others are prideful or mistreat you. The very fact that you think you’re so important that others should treat you well shows you are prideful. Although that may seem extreme at first, Think about it. By thinking You are deserving of being elevated by other people is what? PRIDE!? I honestly didn't think myself a Prideful person until I read this chapter. Do you know how TICKED off I get when others are being prideful or mistreat me? Yea, you say thats normal... Huh. Sin is pretty Normal last time I checked. I Additionally realized Selfishness, lust, and anger are all caused by pride. They all come from A high view of oneself and a low one of others.
I would stretch the concept in the book and ad my own thought by stating that by being prideful we are ignoring Christ’s actions on the Cross. He humbled himself from being the creator of the universe to die and save us. By being prideful we show that we believe that our sacrifices and hardships are on the same level and scale as Christ’s sacrifice. Our slight “mistreatment” is usually an epic display of others disrespecting us. We aren’t being lifted on a pedestal by the rest of the Human Race; may it never be!
There was a small selection from the 15th century writer, Thomas á Kempis that was amazing. An excerpt from his writing was the quote at the beginning of this post. I believe it's view on Pride and humility is 100% correct. By knowing and living in the realization of our wretchedness perhaps we can lose our pride. We could acquire true understanding by opening ourselves up to God with what the world would consider extreme humility.
This Chapter was very good in helping me explore and realize my own Pride. Even though it may not seem like it to me all the time, I’ve realized that pride is the driving force to the majority of the sin in my life. If the rest of the chapters are this good, this Semester is going to be amazing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I'm going to post my thoughts on each Chapter As I get to them, so something like one chapter a Week.
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