lack of interest or concern; indifference.
How do I capture my frustrations on paper, with this preposterously simple language?
God has become the great American myth. Our American Freedoms are destroying Christianity. It isn’t hard or significant to claim you follow Christ. It hasn’t been for years. People that are willing to sit still and discuss God seriously are few and far between. Those that decide to stand against the flow of society and imitate Christ are seen as religious Zealots rather than heroes of faith.
I know how it goes. When you see man who is on fire for God and is sold out for him you think- ‘he should be a pastor’. WHY is a pastor considered any different than an average Christian? Aren’t we all commanded to follow Christ and to do so with an intensity that will keep the world from conforming us?
People have stopped even faking they love Christ. God is this Myth in the back of their mind. The Crutch they lean on when life is hard. When things are good- when he blesses them the most- is when they turn away and claim to not need him. If their salvation be Real, it’s small mediocre and honestly worthless. If your faith is not active and working through your life, what worth is it!? Not by works we are saved- Yes. However, if you are ignoring basic commands like ‘Go and further the kingdom’, or you don’t even strive to please God at all; How do you have faith in your salvation at all? Why do you think you are saved if no fruit is produced! Do you have no shame or Doubt!? Why Claim to belong to Christ at all and yet decidedly stand on the corner of Christianity and whore yourself out to Society!?
Ok. A little Harsh. Perhaps the apathetic are saved; however have lost sight of what Christ has done for them? Doesn’t everyone have evidence of what God has done to their lives? I’m not saying that God has the #1 place in my life like he should. Not by A long shot but Like I said in my last post, God has been reminding me a lot recently of his mercy. How far he has taken me, but also showing me how far I need to go.
It's really Ok if you don't pursue Christ, he Doesn't really care. <--sarcasm
14 years ago
1 comment:
Yes! I screamed when I saw it. The only thing is that it's basically my whole summer, and this is going to be my easiest summer. Like, in the next three summers I won't be able to be home, go on family vacations, etc. because of school. So I'm thinking about contacting them and seeing if I can do it after sophomore year. There are a ton of internships like it that I'm looking at though....but that's the only one in Ohio that I've seen. You should do it! It'd be the best internship ever.
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