Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thank You

This is a Summary of an exercise that was assigned for my Spiritual Formations class I'd Like to Share...

The Assignment is to draw on a graph your spiritual "lifeline". With 10 ups and downs logged. Why are these points significant to you? What made you think of them?

Take a few moments to really ponder the lowest point in your life.

Think now about where God has brought you to today.

1. Who are you Today?

2. What is your public image?

3. Who Are you REALLY when people aren't watching?

I don't know how you respond to looking back on your life, but I am brought to my knees by where God has brought me. I lay crippled with the thought of what he has done. Not that I'm amazing now, but I alone know how low and wallowing in my sin I was before he came a long. He alone has transformed my life. He Alone Could.

I no longer have to hide who I am. My Shame can be replaced with absolute gratefulness and love.

Thank You, God.

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