Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Thoughts on Life, Women, and Relationships.

This blog post is one I have been wanting to write for several months now. A friendship and a few books formed my views about this issue. Although the friendship is now extinct, I’ve realized now more than ever, how God places people and certain conditions in your life to teach you huge lessons. Unfortunately in my case, I always have to learn the hard way: From my mistakes.

The Meet Market.

Ladies. Puh- Leeeeeeeez. I know you miss amazing male influences in your life. But. Believe it Or Not. I have a feeling that THE Real and Lasting Relationship- The one that you so badly crave will happen in God’s Timing. You just need to concentrate on being patient and enjoying your Singleness. And I'm Pretty sure you wont find it out on the Market.

I honestly believe that singleness and marriage are two distinct gifts that God gives us; and therefore we need to enjoy both while we have them. I’m marveling at how some freshmen have started relationships already. How the heck do some of you people think you know someone that well to date them after only 2 months!? Unless you’ve spent every day with that person (which if you have, I am sorry for you and your absolute Lack of social skills) It’s not really possible to know that person Well enough to date them. (Not to even mention those engaged)

My youth pastor went over a relationship series twice in the six years I was attending my youth group. Both times, I didn’t quite understand. He taught about crazy ideas like, Date when the person is actually marriage material- and although the commitment isn’t as great as engagement, have marriage as an end goal. No “Social dating”. Being your average 7th grader I thought the man was crazy. NO DATING? WHAT!? I honestly don’t know when it finally “Clicked” In my mind, but I’m glad it did. Well. Although I don’t agree 100% still with everything he said, I can tell you today that I am happy I have never been on a date. It’s not like I’m a prude. Or I hate women. (I like hanging with the ladies…. Lol). However, To be consumed by the thought of a relationship is quite frankly Idolatry; it also isn’t enjoying the gift of singleness to it’s fullness.
To you Ladies that Came to School specifically to find a husband: I'm going to level with you for a second. Men. Are NOT as amazing as you think. And i'm reasonably sure that marriage isn't Easy either. So Step Back, and enjoy being Single. Please. Youre Going to save yourself A lot of hurt by doing so.

To the Men.

When you get married. IF you get married. Do you want your wife to tell you she has had her heart stolen, trampled one, and abused? Or that pieces of her heart have been left along the way, and that you don’t get all of it? OF FREAKING COURSE YOU DON’T. So Sit Down. Shut up. And stop believing the lies that the world tells you about the role of women. I Am sick of how men look at women. I am ashamed of how I Have looked at women. And It Needs to stop. NOW. Although women have equal rights in society now, the Socially accepted and prevalent view is that WOMEN ARE HERE For One thing. To Make Men Happy. For Men’s pleasure. Now, listen. Even if you don’t cognitively acknowledge that you believe that women are here for you, you’re more than likely affected by these worldly beliefs.

Instead of considering women as “options” men should think about them as Sisters. Although I’m pretty sure my sister can handle herself, if she were ever hurt by anyone and her husband were incapable of dealing with the matter: Guess Who would be next in line? Yep. The Brother. That’s how we need to be with our sisters in Christ. We need to be ANGERED by them being hurt emotionally and mentally (and obviously physically). I think this is an interesting point, as most men (saved or unsaved) are angered by women being physically abused- However not many care about the condition of their hearts. Men: Protect their hearts. Women: Make our job easier and Don’t throw it out there.

All I’m suggesting is that Men Need to think of women as Sisters (and treat them as such), be ultimately concerned about their emotional welfare, and care about their walk with God. I’m suggesting that Christian men need to show the world we are different – not only by how we live, but by how we treat women, how we View them, and how we protect them. In this way we will show the love of Christ and be lights to our Pornographic Society.

Fall Break

Fall Break Started today. Almost everyone I know was able to go home, and for the first time I’m wishing I could too. Even though Ohio is beautiful during the fall, I miss the mountains, the Evergreens, and the RAIN!

· I bought my very First motorcycle Last night, a 1981 Honda Cb750f. I’ll have pics up soon.
· For fall Break I’m going to West Virginia for a redneck weekend: Atvs, Fishing, and possibly hunting.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Yesterday I went And Rode a motorcyle. Really nice and Great Price. Tonight I basically decided to buy it. So I called my mom to make sure that they had all the Paperwork *(I have to send them a power of attorney so they can change the bike to a washignton State Vehicle For me.). It was a good thing i called. It's Looking like I may not be able to get the bike until after Christmas Break... which is problematic since not many bikes go on the market during the winter- NOW is the time to buy.

So. Hopefully this won't be that One little snag that will make the whole plan fail.

That's Kinda what Im dealing with. Fun.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Innocence Was Destroyed!

It all started like a normal Friday night. Party time right? Neh, my night was destroyed.
As you know, we had Open Dorms. I headed over to my sister unit over in Printy, not expecting the horrors that awaited me.

After touring the units and talking for awhile we were herded into our Sister RA’s Room. She began Story time. Story time usually seems Harmless right? This one appeared to be normal until the children’s book that we were going to be reading was presented. “Daddy’s Roommate”.

Billy has a Dad. Dad has a roommate named bob. They are “Good Friends”. Bob and Dad sleep together. Bob and dad are good fathers. Doug is horrified. His innocence was destroyed tonight.

Thank you Rachel.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Before you Read this and are shocked by the fact that this is such a big deal to me, note that I Love motorcycles. I plan on building my own someday. Something about just me, a bike, and a road, is incredibly appealing to me. I can’t explain it.

The Flight Home. The Endorsement Class. The Money. The Legalities. All the small puzzle pieces needed for me getting a motorcycle are finally falling into place.
My excitement is only dampened by the slight feeling of dread. Now that the plan is near completion do I solemnly consider the morbid facts the ownership of such a vehicle entails.

Ever since I saw the pilot for Orange County Choppers on discovery channel I’ve known I wanted to ride a motorcycle and I knew I wanted to learn how to fabricate and weld. That was six years ago. I’ve completed one of those dreams, now I’m trying to acquire the motorcycle…. For the 3rd time. Yes, I failed at getting one the last 3times.I’ve had plenty of time to think of the dangers of riding, but now that the dream is almost realized, I’ll be honest- I’m a little scared.
Although dampened, my excitement is not completely extinguished. The dangers are there, but there is an amazing satisfaction knowing that my dream may be soon realized. It is also an amazing show of how God plans things. Maybe something will get in the way of me getting a bike like my last attempts, but its undeniably an example of how well God Plans things out {As if we need an example!}.

What I keep having to realize is how much I’m not in Control. I need to trust God’s Plan.

I am infamous for looking forward to my plans I have made. I rob myself of a lot of everyday happiness- I don’t enjoy the simple process of life! I wasted several summers and school years simply looking forward to things. I enjoyed some days at work but it was usually drudgery. I was only looking forward to Paychecks, and the weekend (ETC). I want to live a life that I’ve found joy in every minute of it- not just the weekends.
This ties into my motorcycle situation merely because I’ve been combating this issue in my character recently. Sadly there is no Guarantee that I’ll get the bike. It could just be another thing God uses to teach me.{Ask me sometime about the other instances where he’s taught me in big ways.} I have to be honest with myself, if God has chosen for this to just be a teaching situation—then in my experience it will probably be a lesson more worthwhile learning than me ever getting a bike.

James 4:13-14.
“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

I've also Realized through All this that, even though I don't always appreciate or agree with my parents decisions (We have our fair share of disagreements), I probably have some of the best parents around. Lol. They have been ridiculously generous while ive been at College. Even bending over backwards to cancel a plane ticket and buying new ones for me to get home in time to take my Endorsement Class. Theyre also ok with me Riding my motorcyle 3000+ miles home in may on my motorcycle.
I don't Understand.

Procrastinating In The Library

I am doing a speech on Gun Control this next week and I thought I could share a few thoughts. Gun Control is a major issue- one that I believe everyone should have an educated opinion on and not just a mindless opinion based on fears of what people either do not know or understand. The 2nd Amendment protects the ownership of guns. The decision to be made is do we control and regulate guns and is that an infringement of our rights the 2nd Amendment protects?

What Is Gun Control?
I. Limiting ownership and use of guns is a priority.
II. The biggest component of the Gun Control debate is whether existing gun laws are sufficient, or whether more gun laws are needed.

Guns definitely fuel crime. It’s a Fact. Or is it? Do Guns Really CAUSE crime like liberal media tells us?
I believe that the general premise of Gun Control is good, however the implementation of Gun Control Beliefs are wrong. What I mean by that is I believe that Gun Control is needed somewhat since it’s a fact that gun’s are used in crimes. However, It’s a foolish mistake to believe that Gun’s are solely responsible for violence. As Christians we understand that men are sinful, therefore no matter what type of weapon they have, they will still have anger and hate between each other. Simply removing one type of weapon will not remove the sin that plagues our race. Therefore, if we make 90 more laws regulating guns, people will still commit crime and criminals will still be able to acquire guns. It has been said that inspite of gun control measures, guns are too readily available. The Availability of guns have caused tragedies such as school shootings. Think back 50+ years ago. You could by a gun at a hardware store, gas station and variety stores. There was no waiting, no background check, no registration- and yet there were no school shootings. Now after hearing that, tell me guns are responsible for violence!

So Honestly, I think the only thing we can do on this issue is help prevent accidents involving guns. Accidents are easy to prevent. Perhaps instead of Gun CONTROL we can promote Gun Safety and training. In the end it comes down to individual responsibilities and choices.

As I said, I believe some gun Control is good. I believe that felons and those that have subsequently shown that they cannot handle the responsibility of gun ownership should not be allowed to own one. However, as a law-abiding citizen I should not lose freedoms because of the stupidities of an irresponsible few.
Gun’s are a necessary part of our countries freedoms. Although the issue of gun control is complex, I think the answer is clear. Removing guns from this country would be like putting a dirty band aid on the issue. It may stick, but it certainly wont be fixing the problem- It will make it worse.

Here is an amazing list of 40 things you must believe to beleive in Gun Control.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dude! Where's My Coffee!?

I recently met someone who had never had espresso. Yes, I said Espresso…. See apparently certain people from Ohio (and/or have missed the Cultural Revolution that caffeinated drinks have caused- Especially in places such as my home state. Seattle is home to such fine coffee companies as Tully’s, Seattle’s Best, and STARBUCKS-- it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to grow up near Seattle and not have had coffee. [I thought this a baseless stereo type of the city until I got here, and met so many people that don’t drink it.]

HOW Is it even possible to not have had coffee before? And On top of that be a College student and not be familiar with the most amazing instant energy drink that God Ever gave to man!? I don’t know, but as I continue to live here I grow more and more thankful for my home state. We have our Problems, Yes. IE: Hippies, Greenies, Nirvana, high taxes, homeless people ETC

—But at least we Understand the Importance of Coffee.

There is a major problem with Ohio and the Midwest! First Cornhole- NOW a Lack of Proper Coffee Appreciation! What is this country coming to!?